Make Camera focus on a group called focus_cam - vlength(vtorigin(".", "../cam_focus"))
[input into focus distance attr of camera]
Vortex Vex Code
float angle = radians(ch("angle")) * length(@P*{1,0,1}) * relbbox(0, @P).y;
vector newPos = qrotate(quaternion(angle, {0,1,0}), @P);
@density = volumesample(0,0,newPos);
Delete by nearpoints
float maxdist = chf("max_dist");
f@nearpt = nearpoint(1,@P,maxdist);
f@test = maxdist;
if(@nearpt > -1){
Find Min and Max value of an attribute
float value;
float values[];
string attrname = "id";
float max_value;
float min_value;
for (int i=0; i<@numpt; i++){
value = point(geoself(), attrname, i);
min_value = min(values);
max_value = max(values);
Attribute Randomize by Power (Powerful)
i@id = @ptnum+1;
float pts = @id;
float distro = pow(chramp("distro",rand(pts+chi("seed"))),ch("pow"));
float distro2 = pow(chramp("distro_pieces",rand(pts+chi("seed"))),ch("pow"));
float d = fit(distro,0,1,ch("pscaleMin"),ch("pscaleMax")) * ch("mult");
float d2 = fit(distro2,0,1,ch("pscaleMin"),ch("pscaleMax")) * ch("mult");
f@pscale = d;
i@copyPiece = rint(fit(d2,0,1,0,2));
//rotate object using VEX
matrix m = ident();
rotate(m, radians(chf("angle")), {1, 0, 0});
@P *= m;
Noise from a null (Hscript)
if ($F>1080 && $F<1095, snoise($FF+10,$FF,$FF)*1, 0) - input into rotation of null and attach to camera
//Calculate nearest point of 1st input to the point of the second input
int nearpt[] = nearpoints(0, point(1,"P",0), chf("max"));
foreach(int pt; nearpt){
if(@ptnum == pt){
@group_activate = 1;
if(@group_activate != 1){
//Expression to calculate degree between two vectors
f@angle = degrees(acos(dot(vector1, vector2)));
//Create primitive groups based on string (Use to export face sets for Houdini to Unreal)
setprimgroup(0, s@name+"_group", @primnum, 1);
//Keep characters in a string after a particular character
string inputStr = @name;
string asterix = "*";
string issue = chs("remove_After");
string culprit = asterix + issue + asterix;
if(i@match = match(culprit, inputStr) == 1){
string parts[] = split(inputStr, issue);
s@newName = parts[-1];
//Create lines based on Point proximity (nearpoints) and maximum and minimum distance
int maxConnections = chi("max");
int initial = 0;
float initDist = chf("mindist");
i[]@nearpt = nearpoints(0, @P, chf("maxdist"));
foreach(int x; @nearpt){
float distance = distance(@P, point(0, "P", x));
if(initDist < distance){
if(initial < maxConnections){
addprim(0, "polyline", @ptnum, x);
} else {
Thank you so much😁